Beyond Academics

Through the looking glass from a child’s psyche, the school, the extracurricular activities and the home are part of a continuous experience of life. It is this experience which we, at Ambassador School, wish to enrich. Here, education is not merely academics; it is a sumptuous blend of the four components that underlie all cognitive and non-cognitive learning: self-regulation, knowledge and skills, mindsets and values which are inextricably associated with one another as a part of development and learning.

Our students are not only high achievers as far as the merit lists are concerned, but their greatest feat lies in growing up as individuals who are aware not only of their own selves but more so regarding their immediate socio - political environment. The house system imbibed by Ambassador evolves a sense of belongingness and fraternal affiliations among students as they compete together towards a brighter tomorrow.

Extra-curricular activities spanning over a huge vista of activities sensitize our children towards the reality of the living world. Heritage walks, eco drives and road shows help students foster a dynamic social responsiveness in them.

At Ambassador, we whole heartedly believe that if a child’s approach towards his or her life works s a collaboration following a clear developmental path, every child will have a better chance at a life filled with choices and the skills to achieve goals. Our attempt to have designated sessions of club activities such as Calligraphy, NCC, Dramatics, Health and Wellness etc after school hours are targeted towards identity formation for students. We believe that forming an identity is a combination of discovery, construction and creation, but at its core it is a process of figuring out one’s beliefs, values, goals and experiences.

At the heart of all our efforts lies our guiding belief that all humans are multifaceted, but integrating an identity about fully inhabits all sides of the self.

A child will be engaged in learning and internalize the academic side only if we are also helping him or her to develop in multiple ways. Engagement doesn’t come only from exciting content, but from a student’s own ability to self-regulate, apply skills and find some relevance of the lessons learned in real life.

Ambassador revels in educating our students with the values of compassion, perseverance, reflection and humility. In an endeavor to do so we propagate the sensibilities of our pupils not just towards their immediate surroundings but also to evaluate their disposition vis-a-vis their global counterparts in the world. Sensitizing students towards upholding sustainable values of the UN and involving students in raising funds for the same is our way to make young people feel that they have the ability to influence the outcome of their lives. They too have the competencies to be able to manage one’s environment, a sense of what one values, the ability to manage one’s emotions and behavior, as well as a belief that conscious self-directed action is possible and can affect the lives of many around them.

Learning is constant and happens throughout life. The daily real-world experiences are often much more potent. Education at Ambassador aims at helping students to reconcile these real life experiences with the values of school.

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